Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Much Are You Worth per Day?

Have you ever bother to calculate how much you're worth per day? Of course, I'm talking about the monetary term here. If you are employed and the monthly payment was your only income source, then your daily worth is basically [monthly pay] divided by [30 days]. Other than that, what other investment, passive income, side incomes etc, you can add to your daily worth?

This exercise allows you to see and control your financial status more easily. If you want to increase extra RM10 per day, what do you need to do? For example, spend RM10 less each day, you basically earn RM10 per day and that is equivalent to RM300 a month. If you simply cannot spend a single ringgit less anymore, then you need to ask yourself how you can generate RM10 extra per day?

There are so many ways your can increase your day worth by RM10, say a part time sales job, do a simple buy&sell business (eBay etc.), writing blogs, etc.... after all, no harm trying to ask for a raise from your boss too (even most of the time you won't get it, but you might get lucky!! hehe).

Do not look down the RM10 reward of your extra work per day because it adds up at the end of the month. Once you have successful made RM10 for a day, keep the money in your money box from day one, and only pay yourself at the end of the month. You'll find that you've just gotten an extra monthly pay of RM300. Once you have mastered to make consistant RM10 a day, try double it, then triple it and then so on. After all, you'll fine that by building your day worth, you'll slowly build your wealth too.

Enjoy building your day worth.