Sunday, June 8, 2008

How can I be a bit more CREATIVE?

After know how we can get our brain to work for us, it will be quite simple to elebrate this topic. Most people knows that left brain serves logics and the right brain serves lateral thinking. Therfore, lot of people believe that left handed people are usually quite creative due to the fact that right brain is activated upon working on left hand. Well, I was born left handed and I do admit that I'm quite creative in some nature.

Personally being creative is really not that difficult and I always believe everyone has unleashed Instead of forcing yourself to become left-handed, all you need is PASSION to observe and be interested in things you see around you. All artists have the passion towards arts and that's the minimal requirement to be creative. Say for going after a girl, definitely you have the passion towards her, thus you will do things differently to attract her attention; you will observe her every move so you can find something that can excite her (no stalking please); but most of all, you do need the courage to turn your creativity into actions.

Rules of thumb:

  1. Start writing with left hand... nah.. I'm kidding. But at least do something different from your daily routine, i.e. what ever you're used to think, try think the opposite now.
  2. Be a busy body.. observe everything around you and make it an interest to you, i.e. Market Research.

  3. Always remember, "THERE'S NO RULES". Most creativities were constraint by rules.. People, creativity or imagination has no rules or boundaries, just THINK OUT OF THE BOX, it won't hurt.

  4. DARING - innovation needs courage to deliver. No point doing the thinking only - always need ACTION, ACTION, ACTION.

Einstein always said, Imagination is more important than knowledge, it's because he dared to dream. Just dare to dream with passion and no rules, creativity will show easily. Let's be daring and creative everyday.