Friday, July 4, 2008

How do I get my brain to Work for me?

Our brain is the freaking coolest technology processor with Intel Inside that control the operations of our body. Its primary job is to keep us ALIVE. If you don't tell your brain to do anything, it is smart enough to program itself to perform a simple daily routine for you so that you do not require too much thinking and you'll still be surviving. Well, most of the time, it might not necessary be the way we want it, but hey it does a good job to keep us ALIVE. Unless you start telling your brain to do something different, otherwise, it will always put on the auto-pilot mode to perform the daily routine.

So, everyone can be creative. All you need to do is to turn off the auto-pilot mode by shaking the program. The brain will not know how to continue with the auto-pilot mode whenever you start doing things different, then the brain will automatically shut off the auto-pilot mode temporarily.
Yes, it's just temporary. Your brain cache memory do not store all new information directly to our permanent memory. You have to accept the fact that God did not install a 'save' button somewhere in our body where we can instantly store the new information or program into our permanent memory storage. But the good news is, by repeating the same process long enough, the brain will be smart enough again, to transfer all the information from cache memory into our permanent hard drive.

Therefore, you can master nearly everything if you know how to program your brain to do what you want it to do. That includes program your brain to think creatively.

Read on "How can I be Creative?"

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How can I be a bit more CREATIVE?

After know how we can get our brain to work for us, it will be quite simple to elebrate this topic. Most people knows that left brain serves logics and the right brain serves lateral thinking. Therfore, lot of people believe that left handed people are usually quite creative due to the fact that right brain is activated upon working on left hand. Well, I was born left handed and I do admit that I'm quite creative in some nature.

Personally being creative is really not that difficult and I always believe everyone has unleashed Instead of forcing yourself to become left-handed, all you need is PASSION to observe and be interested in things you see around you. All artists have the passion towards arts and that's the minimal requirement to be creative. Say for going after a girl, definitely you have the passion towards her, thus you will do things differently to attract her attention; you will observe her every move so you can find something that can excite her (no stalking please); but most of all, you do need the courage to turn your creativity into actions.

Rules of thumb:

  1. Start writing with left hand... nah.. I'm kidding. But at least do something different from your daily routine, i.e. what ever you're used to think, try think the opposite now.
  2. Be a busy body.. observe everything around you and make it an interest to you, i.e. Market Research.

  3. Always remember, "THERE'S NO RULES". Most creativities were constraint by rules.. People, creativity or imagination has no rules or boundaries, just THINK OUT OF THE BOX, it won't hurt.

  4. DARING - innovation needs courage to deliver. No point doing the thinking only - always need ACTION, ACTION, ACTION.

Einstein always said, Imagination is more important than knowledge, it's because he dared to dream. Just dare to dream with passion and no rules, creativity will show easily. Let's be daring and creative everyday.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I am a Successful Man in 2009

On 31st December 2009, 10am, I'm wearing my usual branded Calvin Klein casual shirt, George Armani jeans, short decent hair, built up body with healthy tanned skin, without wearing glasses anymore after the successful laser optical correction of my eye sights, relaxingly sitting on my rottan chair with nice comfy back rest at my Bayan Villa townhouse balcony, having a cup of rich taste coffee, reading the morning Star paper regarding the article of my latest book ranked as nationwide best-selling book and lots of young entrepreneur wanna-bes have been enlightened by my books and would like to have an up-close meeting up with me for further development.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Six Jar Personal Life Management

To elaborate what I learned from Six Jar Financial Management by T. Harv Eker, I would love to implement the same approach for my Personal Life Management:

  • 20% Health - Personally, I should increase this portion in time. As age catches up, body needs to work a bit harder to become fit and normal, especially when it hits 30 :P But yes, other than exercise, I'll start work on the diet first. Understand my body and feed my body in a necessary way. Only with good health, I can be more productive each day.

  • 10% Entertainment - Allocate my time to have fun, really have fun.. work smart play hard. Playing with my dog and niece & nephew is the best way for me to relax. Most of the time, I would be with my lovely wife watching movie, fine dining, shopping, and sharing thoughts :)

  • 10% Self Enhancement - No point of saving money for education yet you can't even allocate your time to educate yourself. Spare some time to at least read some good books(inspiration, motivation, health, etc.). I read at least one page every night before I go to sleep. If I missed one night, I'll make up the pages on the other night. When I have found a great seminars, I'll attend with my wife, that's how we grow together at the same pace. To enhance myself further, I'll SHARE what I know to my friends and loved ones, only if they care to listen.

  • 40% Money Generating Activities - Always think of how I can leverage today and add values for my business. This is where I spend my time to utilize my Financial Freedom Account. My part-time business is to manage my money and create passive income streams. I always believe that it's always a good time to make money, I just need to get myself more educated in my money generating activities.

  • 10% Charity or Good Cause - Contribute my time, efford or even money for a good cause. Sharing thoughts and knowledge that benefited the youth. That's why I'm helping my friend to structure his Positive Thinkers Group in Kuala Lumpur, create a positive environment to share the power of positivity. Precessional effect, the more you give, the more you get.

  • 10% Manifestation - Keep practising on asking what I want from the universe, feel grateful for what universe has given to me. Personally, I pretty much do that everyday, everytime it motivates me alot.

Feel free to re-adjust the percentage based on your personal preference. If you find it useful. Keep the formula or even share it to your friends or loved ones. But most importantly, practise it, practise it, PRACTISE IT.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Positive Thinkers Group - PTG

In Law of Attraction, the emotional guidance always helps us to identify whether we are in the right track towards what we’ve manifested. If we don’t feel good, it simply tells us that we are not in the right track towards what we want. Likewise, if we do feel good, it basically tells us that we are on the right on our way to what we wish. Therefore, POSITIVITY comes into play to safeguard our ‘good feelings’ in every moment. When we have good feelings all the time, the universe will offer things that make us ‘feel good’ all the time as long as we keep ourselves positive.

To me, positivity is the most important domain in all our successes and it can be easily expressed in a simple mathematical equation:

GOALS[Positivity, passion, focus, etc] = SUCCESS

So, where do we find positivity? Well, it comes in many forms, just to name a few below:-

  1. Gratitude – If we love and appreciate with what we currently have, the universe will only give us more of it.

  2. Love – Loves of our environment, family, friends and other livings promote positivity, and guess what, we'll get more love.

  3. Integrity & sincerity – That's the essense of life. Treat people the way we to be treated. What comes around, goes around.

  4. Optimism – See problems or mistakes as learning experience as well as opportunities, and we'll see more opportunities around us.

  5. Fun Loving – Always do thing with fun. Simple smile and laughter draw loads of positivity into our surroundings.

  6. Abundance – Never fear of 'Not Enough'. There is always plenty of choices and opportunities to fulfill our desires.

To walk the talk, I am willing to contribute my time and afford to assist a group of like-minded people to structure Positive Thinkers Group (PTG) meeting in order to provide a professional platform for all members (entrepreneurs, students, working class, house wives, etc) to share positivity and create a better community around us. With the positive environment in PTG, we constantly share success stories and education regarding self-enhancement, business, relationships, community, health and wealth.

The ultimate goal for PTG is to transform all of us to become a natural positive generator, so positive thinking no longer just a thought, but also a way of life. We hope to spread this spirit worldwide to create world peace. One positive thinker at a time, we create a better place for everyone. One Clap - (say) POSITIVE!!

To share what we do in PTG, kindly visit our facebook group at:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Power of Affirmation

Last night I was cleaning up my file carboard and discovered a workbook I did in 2002. I flipped through the workbook and found out a list of affirmation that I wrote in 2002 for what I want in the next 5 years. I still remembered after I wrote down the affirmation, I have spent time to visualize the details of every single affirmation in the list.

Here were the affirmations I declared in 2002: (Just to name a few)
  1. BMW 3-series
  2. A dream house facing beach
  3. Double my current income
  4. Travel Europe
  5. Get married
  6. Earn a lot of passive income (you can tell I didn't know how to be specific on what i want)

Here are the achievement I have within the next 5 years:

  1. I owned a Mercedes Benz C240 instead of BMW 3-series
  2. I bought my dream town house on a small hill instead of facing the beach.. Not exactly what I imagined, but pretty close and most importantly, I like it.
  3. I'm making more than double my income in 2002, because I jumped from employment to business in 2004.
  4. I didn't travel to Europe, but some countries in Asia Pacific.. haha
  5. Yes, I'm married to a wonderful, beautiful, entrepreneurial lady and she is the CEO of our import and distribution company too.
  6. Not quite achieving it yet, but I at least got a business running almost without me. So, that's the lesson I learned for not being specific in my affirmation. However, everyday, I only go to office for 2-3 hour a day, sign some documents, make a few calls, then the rest of the day, it's up to me. So, still not too bad eh.. :)
Well, believe it or not, Visualization WORKS!!! Affirm what you want to every single detail as much as possible and mean it when you affirm it. Do not have any doubt or second guess, it costs ZERO to do your affirmation, but it will cost alot if you don't. So, Just DO It :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Capital, Knowledge Or Courage?

What does it take me to start a business? Capital, Knowledge or Courage? Some say, "If you don't have money or capital, you can't run the business or even register a company name"- Right; some will say, "Even if you have money, without the knowledge you don't even know the first step to get your business going" - Correct too! And some will also say, "Without courage, nothing is possible" - True enough. It seems like all of them are needed.

To me, yes, I do not deny that I need capital (money or funding), knowledge (but I will extend this to experience & business connection), and courage (guts) to start a business. But the good news is that you don't have to start a company before you can do a business. Just go with a comission based project, consultation, or distribution. Until you think you do need to show people with your name card, then just register a sole proprietorship at the Mall, second floor, which only costs you RM150 (don't tell me you don't even have RM150 in your saving, if so, you are really in a deep financial shit). But then if you don't have an appropriate knowledge, then go learn it. Ask an expert, get a mentor, get a job in a relevant industry, attend some relevant seminar boost up your business sense. Just go get the knowledge you need to get, this is what your brain is for-- to store knowledge. But above all, all you really need is COURAGE. You can't loan it nor buy it from anyone or anywhere else. It will only come if you have a burning desire and determination to make a CHANGE in your life. Without courage, you ain't nothing, you will be fear of getting out of your comfort zone, fear of unstable income, fear of losing the valuable leisure time, and fear of whatever even a potential customer standing right in front of you.

All entrepreneur wanna-be, just get you mental block eliminated. Starting a business is really not that hard. Just do it (with calculated risk), BE POSITIVE, and amend the flaws along the way. Always get a second opinion on your business plan from those successful businssman around you. Try not to or perhaps NEVER get opinions from those who are not even in a business themselves (unless you are doing marketing research), because most often they will mislead you or worse, discourage you to the extend to increase your fear factors.

"Get you mindset correct is priority, after that anything else won't be a matter to you anymore."-SL Ong

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Birthday Means Older??!

It's always delightful to greet one a Happy Birthday... but most of the time when i greet someone Happy Birthday, they always feel great with the birthday but get a bit upset with their brand new age.

Today is the birthday of a friend of mine in Singapopre. As usual, I great her "Happy Birthday" with joy on MSN. She replied "Thank you, but I'm a year older again". I said, "No! You have just earned a year of valuable life experience."

Obviously, everyone sees one thing differently, I would rather see everything positively. I am grateful for every second that the universe has granted me to experience and explore the beautiful world. Every new year, I will have a quick review of my achievements in the past year.

Then I'll virtuely patch my shoulder and say, "Good job buddy, keep up the good work" and I'll look forward to the achievement in the coming year.

"Birthday is just a milestone in my life journey, I don't care what my age is, just Celebrate It" - SL Ong

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What You Focus on EXPANDS!! True Enough

Just a quick review of what I've learned two years ago. After going through a few major seminars, trainings and talks for entreprenuer in the past 2 years, I admitted that I have great burning desire to venture into almost any new businesses, I will have a better chance of being retired in 35 with financial indepandent and personal freedom. In the past two years, I have so many opportunities and connections to JV in business. I involved in other than my core logistics business, and also joint-venture with my wife and other partner in construction (M&E and C&S), electronic product distribution, real estate, renovation, and natural product distribution.

No doubts, those years are pretty 'challenging' for me. Too many things happen in one time with too little time, I just couldn't handle them all. As a result, my new JV businesses didn't go well at all, to be more specifically, they almost lost my time and money.

I took my lesson from "Stucked?! Just Get Unplugged", and quickly reviewed the progress of all my businesses. By doing what I was doing not only stopped me from having personal freedom, but also consume more of my time. Therefore, we have to carefully choose the businesses that are worth doing. Several criteria we need to concern were the profit margins, potentials, flexibility, and most importantly, our passion towards the business. Eventually, we decided to drop all the JV businesses except my logistics business and natural product distribution business. Me and my wife will truely positively focus on each business, respectively.

All we did was just putting more time and effort on our own business and visualized the results we want almost everyday. When focus, our visualization is much more vivid and it is so real until felt the resonance in our heart and we know the result that we look for will be coming very very soon.

Soon enough we started meeting the right person in expanding our business, we even received the unexpected sales. Less than a year, each of our businesses has a tremendous growth. My logistics business has a total net growth of 10% (after I successfully achieved "giving away control is gaining power") and my wife's distribution company at first a sole distributor has turned to become the manufacturer for the product itself. Cool eh?

FOCUS - Oxford Dictionary defines to give full attention into something - how much simplier can it mean?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Right Personal Profile Makes the Right Business Team

After having a not-so-successful partnership in business with my best friend, I have realized that two dominant persons are quite difficult to work together in one team - As chinese saying, "Two Tigers Can't Reside in One Hill"

Recalled a few years back in my first and also the last employment when I first came back to Malaysia after my studies in Canada, my employer has sent me to a pretty well-known US program called Money & You where every participant has to fill up their DISC profile.

D.I.S.C. defines 4 major personality profiles in human - Dominant(Controller), Influencial(Promoter), Supportive(Supporter), and Competent(, respectively. A couple of years later, I went to the Asia Work's Effective Communication program, which also helps the participants to identify their category of personality. Later on, I have also found out several programs that work in the similar way. But most importantly, it is for me to identify what kind of personality profile in me and how I utilise it in my buiness. Each profile has its strengths, weaknesses, and its sensitivity or hot button. For instance, people in Dominant group do not want to be told what they should do or how to do his/her job. Worst, if you say they 'suck', they will either hate you for life, or work their ass off to prove that you are wrong.

Each people in a certain profile group communicates differently from the people in other profile group. These programs helped me to identify why the partnership with my best friend didn't work out so well. Due to the research of those profiles, Dominant group is pretty stubborn but very decisive. However, they really do not want their decisions to be overwritten by any party. That will eleborate further why my best friend and I cannot be in the business together.

Anyway, the main point here is learn about yourself and study other's people profiles. So that you can easily identify what kind of person you talk to after 15 mins of conversation, so you know that what should be said and what should be kept quiet while building relationships with a stranger.

This information also allows me to choose who to be my business partner or my management team, and work well with them. So, what's your profile?

"Knowing yourself is more important than studying others" - SL Ong

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Let Loose and Get Juice

Have you ever been stuck in your work or business? How would you overcome such misery? For me, I'll just plug myself off my office chair immediately, leave the office as far as possible and let LOOSE.

Once in awhile, we'll run defragmentation process in our computer to housekeep the junk files once it is performing slower than before. As for myself, I'll take half day or full day off, go shopping, watch movies, take a nap, or have a fine dining whenever I'm stuck in problems. By cracking my head to resolve the problems while there are lots of junk thoughts in my head, the result will normally do not come out good.

Instead of being less productive, I would rather be zero productive today but 100% productive tomorrow. It's not a crime for me to be slacking off sometimes while my brain is not functioning the way I want. It's proven that our productivity is greater when our mind is clearer. That sort of comfort me that skipping classes during my school time was not a bad idea after all :P

"Short break rejuvenate brain cells, yet too long a break promotes laziness" - SL Ong